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Hallo katrina wagner.
Ich habe ein Anliegen zu 2 ihrer Fotos ,frühe werke wohl aus dem Jahre 2004 soweit ich bisher weiss,undwürde mich sehr über eine Nachricht und austausch hierzu mit ihnen freuen.Kontaktieren sie mich doch bitte unter angegebener email adresse sobald es ihnen möglich ist, es würde mich wirklich sehr freuen.Vorab vielen Dank für ihre Geduld und machen sie bitte weiter so,mit ihren Herrlichen Arbeiten 🙂
mit dunklen Grüssen
Hey Katrina,
Just wanted to say that this website is really cool and you should defiantly make sure to share this with your students. I was looking for you email and stumbled upon this website so I thought I’d try messaging you here. I am planning a trip across South America, next fall, and I was wondering what you would recommend me visiting. I know your busy but would love to hear what you have to say!
Luke Morrison
Can you tell me more about what you remember of Kellerman studios? Patricia? details about anything, performances? Where did you hear the Esther Williams rumor? I also attended and doing a bit of research, thanks so much
I onlyremember the big home with a glorious studio o the right as we enter. No performances that I recall. What have you found out? I’d love to hear
Greetings Katrina,
We met at the bus stop in Manzanita (same name as my village in Oregon, which is two miles from my home on Neahkahnie Mountain, since 1968, until moving here in Mill Valley).
I hope we can communicate about the International College of the Cayman Islands. If you are interested in a dramatic pickle barrel full of sharks, (am angry about current leadership on Island, forgive my hyperbole, alas, it’s not wonderful in paradise afterall).
My phone number is 415.383.4587. am working out of home today, but there is a message machine. If you have free time, let me know so we can visit. I would enjoy that, and will be careful not to spend our time COMPLAINING.
Funny about synchronicity isn’t it?
Love, Amy Gage
oh dear i hope this is n’t public. can you please tell me yes or no about that? prefer confidential correspondence. should have used your email address and neglected to do that. can you fix if public, and change it to ;just for YOU. thanks, am a computer idiot, a true woodburning computer operator.
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