Author: katrina

  • A New Adventure Begins–I leave for London June 2, 2015

  • ZEGG-A Week in Community

    An hour by train out of Berlin, Belzig is in the formerly East German countryside –of lakes, streams, forest and fields of corn, wheat, and sunflowers; –of small villages with new homes built into 17th, 18th, and 19th century wattle and daub half-timbered barns or stepped brick Gothic and slit windowed old pitched roof storage…


    Summer life here is so easy and welcoming–I live in Kreuz-kolln–a neighborhood that was once all Turkish and quite poor and still has half its population Muslim–with the women all covered in clothing–but not black or dreary at all-silk scarves of every imaginable color and floral pattern cover their hair and then all kinds of…

  • Christopher Street Parade–Berlin

    CHRISTOPHER STREET –PRIDE PARADE–  I settled in with a Kindl (beer) und Fritz (French fries) and felt sehr Deutsch…Set to begin at 12:30, the parade itself didn’t arrive until 2 but beforehand people came and came and came, some dressed wildly, most just average folks in groups, with families, old and young, gay and straight,…

  • Fashion & Politics 2010: Flying Blindly Backwards

    Consider the fashions today.   Do you think the images mean anything significant? Witness Tommy Hilfiger’s faux family lounging around their Ford woodie Wagon on butterfly chairs and atop Tartan metal coolers—striped university colored scarves and camel haired coats, tweeds and turtlenecks.  Here we have quintessential prep school graduates, a family of rich people with…

  • Juneau, Alaska in June 2010

    June is the right time to come…as the skies are full of every shape and color of cloud while the air is fairly warm; the flowers are abundant–buttercups, berries, cow parsnip and rainforest jungles of moss and lichen covering everything–bark, stone and ground.  There are days of sunshine as well and glaciers, forests–steep and heavily…

  • COACHELLA 2007

    COACHELLA 2007 Oh where to begin???? I just came back this afternoon about 4 (I left Coachella at 6:30am) feeling like the festival was a marathon which I thoroughly enjoyed but which was a lot physically like Burning Man–but without the freedom to drink and carouse at will–Don’t ask me today if I will repeat…

  • At Home at Stars

    Why do I find this moment so exquisite, so rare? ‘S’Wonderful,’ the blonde woman plays on a fine old Steinway I taste the salad–exotic greens, Gorgonzola Blue, candied pecans–and sip a smooth dry Chandon cocktail. in this most elegant of San Francisco restaurants The piano notes slide like fresh oysters into the almost breathing space,…

  • 98 in the Shade

    98 in the shade as ravens circle up to the sun Heat shimmers from the slickrock the air is hot still silent Here in the shade a rattler waits under a juniper tree for the afternoon wind Here in the shade I sit still look at marks some old ones painted on the sinuous canyon…

  • What I Got from AM Radio

    WHAT I GOT FROM AM RADIO It never occurred to me in all these years of listening to rock and roll that I signed up a long time ago for perpetual teenage torture. It was always a bad moon rising over my hopes that some cute boy would ask me out. Always running on empty…